Power up your remote
Gain time on the record and streamline your remote legal proceeding with instant paperless exhibit exchange.
Let's Talk

Gain time on the record and streamline your remote legal proceeding with instant paperless exhibit exchange.
Let's TalkThere’s zero excuse for revealing your cards. CaseUp eliminates the need to send witnesses your documents ahead of time.
Setting up a deposition for remote exhibit sharing takes less than 30 seconds. Others can then join your event just by clicking a secure link.
Upload your documents into the deposition by dragging and dropping files into a secure private folder.
Just one click to introduce any exhibits. CaseUp automatically adds an exhibit number and shares the exhibit for secure remote viewing.
Every interaction in CaseUp is fine-tuned to create a seamless, fast and accurate exhibit exchange process that feels effortless. The end result is a platform that gives lawyers complete control over remote exhibit exchange with little to no training.
CaseUp elevates the Zoom deposition experience, allowing you to automate the marking and sharing of exhibits
CaseUp elevates the Zoom deposition experience, allowing you to automate the marking and sharing of exhibits
CaseUp elevates the Generic Fileshare deposition experience, allowing you to automate the marking and sharing of exhibits
It’s not enough to just bolt some features on top of a generic file system. CaseUp provides a comprehensive solution built specifically for the remote legal environment.
CaseUp both automates remote exhibit sharing and streamlines the process before, during and after the deposition with a full suite of file sharing capabilities.
CaseUp elevates the Zoom deposition experience, allowing you to automate the marking and sharing of exhibits
CaseUp elevates the Generic Fileshare deposition experience, allowing you to automate the marking and sharing of exhibits
It’s not enough to just bolt some features on top of a generic file system. CaseUp provides a comprehensive solution built specifically for the remote legal environment.
CaseUp both automates remote exhibit sharing and streamlines the process before, during and after the deposition with a full suite of file sharing capabilities.
What if you could gain time on the record in your depositions? How would that affect your case outcomes? Find out how CaseUp can help your practice with a free demo.